Wednesday, November 23, 2011

UFO Sighting at our beach house

My brother-in-law shared his experience with Dr. Kitel, of the Phoenix Lights Network, and his post is on the website. We've seen a few very cool things at our beach house and night, and this is just one of the stories. 

Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 14:04:43 -0400
Subject: Greetings! and sincerest thanks for jump-starting our awareness
From: Jason Dale Blackford
Dr. Kitei,
...I had the most amazing experience with my son, we saw these lights without a doubt, and I wanted to share that with you so we can add our testimony to the group of those coming forward, Our Sighting
My son (11) is visiting us for the summer like he always has. We were visiting my wife's family in Sea Isle City, NJ, last weekend for our normal 4th of July get-together (2011). When the town fireworks were beginning on the evening of the 4th, my son and I grabbed our beach chairs and went out to the beach and sat next to the water to watch the fireworks. The entire Jersey shoreline is literally packed with thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people every year for the fireworks. In hindsight I found this fact very intriguing once I started to relate what we saw with the "Phoenix Lights" documentary. (I had already seen the show before our sighting.)
About half way through the fireworks show, my son and I noticed (at the same time) that there were a series of very orange lights, ten total, all lined up, over the horizon in front of us. They didn't show up one by one, but rather all appeared at the same time. At first we thought they were just joy-riders in helicopters or airplanes, watching the fireworks from the air. But we very quickly realized that these lights weren't independent of each other. They moved in a very intentional direction, seemingly all together (in two groups of 5), left to right, each light keeping the exact distance with the others. They all moved together for about ~45 degrees in our field of vision (in the span of about 10 minutes), and then we saw the first light slowly fade and disappear. The remaining lights kept their direction and speed, and one by one each light disappeared in the exact same location that the first one did, almost like they were disappearing behind something static, like a cloud. But there were no clouds that we could see. We were speechless as we watched, and I immediately thought of the "Phoenix Lights" documentary.
I find it fascinating that if these were indeed our visitors, that they chose a location absolutely packed with people (much like the '97 sightings were over the most densely populated areas of Arizona.) We could hear everyone around us commenting and talking about them, so I'm positive we weren't just losing our minds and the only ones to witness them.
I am, admittedly, a skeptic at heart, very scientific, mathematical, and logical in my thoughts... always finding the logical explanation in things. But this very obviously was not explanable, and I cannot deny that I (very physically and tangibly) felt something while they were there. They were probably one of the most beautiful hues/shades of orange I have ever seen; almost as if there was a subconscious undertone of purple hidden in them. They were bright but absolutely did not glare or twinkle.
This was easy to notice given that there were plenty of aircraft in the area (white, red, green, blinking, glaring). A few of the orange lights seemed to subtly pulsate, brighter to dimmer to brighter, in a very steady and non-random cadence. Then, after watching for a few minutes, my son said the most profound thing that I will never forget about this experience.
Like I mentioned, I was feeling a VERY strong pull, very peaceful, almost felt very wise. I kept it to myself, thinking my son would think me a nutcase if I mentioned it. But then he said, "Daddy? Do you feel really good right now?" I was a little shocked and asked him what he meant by 'good'. "You know," he said, "that little tingle you get in your chest right before you laugh at something funny? It just feels like that but it's not going away like a laugh would." No matter how hard I may try, I don't think I could ever explain that feeling better than he did at that moment. He was spot on.
Jason Blackford